If you're the type of educator we will hire, we know you can earn more as a private tutor, although we also pay better than most tutoring services and take care that group sessions are appropriately balanced with students in the same class and needing similar content support.
The difference comes down to guaranteed payments and letting us handle recruitment, scheduling, and other business matters for you.
Our clients pay in advance of a session, so you'll be paid in the event of a no show. A last-minute cancellation is also paid the full rate unless you agree to reschedule due to an emergency or illness. (We say "unless" because occasionally our tutors experience the same problems and clients are understanding, but both parties need to agree to a last-minute rescheduling.)
Also, we handle invoicing, follow up if payments aren't made promptly, and deduct from our percentage the fees for credit card processing and the monthly service charge.
We also cover the insurance costs for the company (exempting intentionally perpetrated illegal actions), pay for the online platform, cover the invoicing software, and handle all marketing and recruitment leaving you to do what you do best: educate and support our clients!
Whether it's an unprepared client, scheduling conflicts, a client with an attitude, or any other awkward conversation, you can pass it on to us to handle so that your tutoring time is separate from your personal time. We stand behind you.
See our "Join Our K to 12 Team" page for details and relevant application materials. We are looking to staff elementary (1st through 6th grade) reading, writing, and/or math specialists at this time but are open to applicants for other grades/subjects as well.
We are accepting applications for chemistry tutors for late summer through the next academic year. Please be familiar with the high school curricula as well as general chemistry I and II and ideally organic chemistry I and II and biochemistry.
If you possess higher education teaching experience and a desire to help students learn and grow, please contact us.
We are accepting tutoring applications for chemistry, math, statistics, accounting, economics (macro- and micro), physics (high school and college), biology (AP Biology & Anatomy & Physiology I & II), and computer science (particularly content covered in AP Comp. Sci. classes and freshman programming courses). ESL instructors are welcome to apply with the understanding that we rarely receive requests. We are fully staffed for Social Sciences.
USA Tutors tutors are something special. You care about the clients you are assisting. You see this role as more than a job; it's an opportunity to help people grow and soar into a new chapter of their lives.
Some of our tutors only work with individual students, others are comfortable in smaller groups, and others thrive with up to a dozen students. Please complete your application listing only the type(s) of tutoring you know you can currently handle. There's always room for growth in this position.
New tutors are expected to engage in some upfront training time before they start working with clients and to consistently apply the philosophies and approaches of USA Tutors. Anyone who is unable or unwilling to do so will see their affiliation with our company promptly concluded.
Applicants who reach the final stage of the interview process are expected to complete the following steps before a hiring agreement is executed:
Professional Tutors: This category of tutors, for our needs, entail people who have completed their master's degree and/or a doctorate and spent some time as the solo instructor of a higher ed. course(s). They provide similar insights to faculty with whom the students are studying and are current on the material.
Please note that we do NOT hire professional tutors with only a bachelor's degree, although someone with many years of industry experience is welcome to apply to run a workshop or event.
It's important to us that are tutors are actively involved in some way with a higher ed. curriculum in the United States to properly guide clients through the material in a classroom setting. We understand and appreciate that people with years of industry experience have a lot to offer; our clients are contracting us to provide tutors who are intimately familiar with the current curricula and how faculty are teaching it, which changes frequently,
You are a motivated, friendly, and articulate person who loves helping other people succeed. You are responsible, prompt, and honor your commitments. You are enthusiastic about helping our clients grow intellectually; achieve professional, personal, and academic milestones; and you treat everyone with respect and patience. You may or may not be the most technologically proficient person out there, but you have a positive attitude towards technology and understand that glitches arise and will work with us to troubleshoot them.
USA Tutors is only looking for people who are freelance contractors for all advertised positions. This means that if we reach an employment agreement you provide us with your availability and keep it updated. We call you when someone has scheduled a session, and you agree to work that time.
You are paid on the 1st and 16th of each month and are responsible for your withholdings. Payment may occur a day later or earlier if these dates fall on a holiday or weekend.
If you earn over $599 a year with us, we will send you a 1099 form for your taxes. We do not withhold federal or state taxes on your behalf, so please plan ahead.
Presently our positions in this division are primarily online through our Pencil Spaces platform, but we staff some in-person sessions. If you indicate that you are available for in-person sessions, be sure that you have reliable transportation in place.
Ensure that you will never leave our clients waiting.
See below for travel reimbursements.
Professional tutors must demonstrate the enthusiasm, expertise, and articulation our clients would expect to find in a great professor in a one-on-one or a group setting depending upon the type of role you choose.
Expertise alone is not enough. Our tutors must be able to relate to their clients, be supportive of their goals, and be encouraging as they strive to achieve those objectives. Empathy and support are key facets of your professional personality.
Additionally, for consideration, you must provide:
Application and Availability forms are at the bottom of this page.
Payment scales are broken down by qualification below. Please speak with us if you are uncertain which one applies as some applicants may fit into more than one category.
Payment for Professional Tutor:
If you meet a client in their home or at a mutually agreed upon location such as a library, there is an additional $15/session paid for locations within 15 miles of your point of origin (home or workplace). Additionally, there is an extra per mile rate for locations more than 15 miles from your point of origin equal to the current per diem travel rates on the perdiem.gov site. (There is no additional payment if the client is coming to your home or workplace to meet you since they are incurring the travel costs.)
People seeking an ongoing freelance contractor relationship (not a one-time event or workshop) should complete an application questionnaire and availability form and submit them with a copy of your resume/CV and a cover letter explaining your interest in joining our team and what you would contribute to the role you wish to fill.
Please note that we do not compensate for pre-contract preparation time if we are pursuing a contract together unless we have agreed to certain terms ahead of time. However, intellectual property that you create in pursuit of such an option remains yours if the contract doesn't go through. If the contract proceeds then it becomes the joint property of USA Tutors & College Prep. Services once we start compensating you for its implementation.
Potential interns should submit the materials for an "ongoing freelance contractor relationship" as well as an unofficial or official copy of their transcripts.
Current and prospective staff are expected to be fully familiar with these policies and approach any member of the management team with questions.
Copyright © 2021 USA Tutors & College Prep, Services - All Rights Reserved.
Please share your contact information with us so we can help you achieve your educational goals.